I LOVE chocolate. I really do. But there may be such a thing as too much chocolate after all. I can't believe I just said that.
Tonight I decided to experiement creating a yummy chocolate dessert. When I was in Texas for Christmas time, Sarah and I went to the annual "Kappa and Kin" holiday brunch. That is where I first encountered a wonderful cupcake-meets-cakeball delicacy. It was pretty much an upside down cupcake with hardened chocolate covering the top and sides. It looked like a miniture chocolate top hat. I have thought about it often since then and wondered how it was created. This is what I figured: you make miniture cupcakes, let them cool, turn them upside down in a larger cupcake tin, pour melted chocolate over them and let them harden. After some trial and error I realized that that is not the way to make the chocolate top hats.
The Joy of Cooking
It's been a long couple of weeks and I have been exhausted each night when I get home. But baking is my idea of a relaxing evening. It's enjoyable and even a good way for me to relieve stress. What is it that you really enjoy doing? Or that helps you unwind at the end of the day?